
MCRactive Extension Namespace Vocabulary Terms

This repository holds the JSON-LD definition of the “mcr” namespace.

This namespace can be used by publishers wanting to experiment with new properties that MCRactive are using in addition to the core Modelling Opportunity Data Specification. Publishers should not assume that properties in this namespace will either be added to the core specification or be stable over the long term, as they exist primarily for the use of MCRactive.

MCRactive works as part of the OpenActive Community Group to promote the usecases represented by the properties within this namespace, with the intention of standardising them over time.

This namespace MUST be referenced using the URL "https://data.mcractive.com/ns/mcr.jsonld" (which will return the JSON-LD definition), and is designed to be used in conjunction with the "https://openactive.io/" namespace.

Please raise requests for content or issues related to the namespace via GitHub.

Example use

  "@context": [
  "@type": "Place",
  "name": "ExampleCo Gym Kingswood",
  "mcr:placeClassification": [
  "address": {
    "@type": "PostalAddress",
    "streetAddress": "1 High Street",
    "addressLocality": "Kingswood",
    "addressRegion": "South Gloucestershire",
    "postalCode": "BS1 4SD",
    "addressCountry": "GB"
  "mcr:frequentlyAskedQuestion": [
      "@type": "Question",
      "name": "Are there public toilets in the centre?",
      "acceptedAnswer": {
        "@type": "Answer",
        "text": "Yes there are toilets near the entrance",
        "dateCreated": "2010-12-01T22:01Z",
        "author": {
          "@type": "Person",
          "name": "someuser"



(Class) Property Expected Type Description
Array of schema:Question FAQ associated with the Place
Array of mcr:PlaceClassification The type of place.


Class subClasses Description
mcr:PlaceClassification schema:Enumeration An enumeration of types of a place.

Enumeration Values

Type Value Description
mcr:PlaceClassification https://data.mcractive.com/ns#EducationCampus Place is the campus of an educational institution
mcr:PlaceClassification https://data.mcractive.com/ns#LeisureCentre Place is a leisure centre
mcr:PlaceClassification https://data.mcractive.com/ns#OpenSpace Place is an open space
mcr:PlaceClassification https://data.mcractive.com/ns#Park Place is a park